
Rabu, 16 Juli 2014


Hiii, what a tired days a week exam and a week with no sleep like can you feel that? This is not exam that i expected from the start, I WANT THIS EXAM END UP SOON.So how about me? im feeling like a part of amnesia song from 5sos cause im not fine at all hahah yas i know i know but thats the truth really, idk why im feeling so bad and mad or whatever you call it. I used to mad and blame all the people arounds me without any reason like something wrong might be just happen in here. Yas its sound so odd and bad and i know most of my friends wont accept it or maybe mad with me, but i just cant hide it like i'll punch and blame everything around me. This exam make me cant control my emotion and its kinda suck you know, i hate it so bad.

So ya ya its enough i still have a bunch of task that i need to do EVEN THIS WEEK IS A FINAL EXAM BUT THEY KEEP GIVING ME TASKS WHAT A GREAT DAY SO HELLA PAL!

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